Monday, January 9, 2012

Egg count

It always feels like finding treasure when I collect eggs. I never tire of the daily ritual Sometimes if I'm having a particularly stressful day I find myself going out several times to check and cheer the girls on if need be. I so appreciate their eggs especially in the morning and the soft purrs they give me to cheer me on throughout my day Thanks girls don't know what I ever did before you were peeping in the backyard! 🐔

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Our first winter storm 2012

The peeps made it through their first big winter storm we woke to a balmy 4 degrees. Two days later we are none the worse for wear.  I was a bit of a "mother hen" checking on them several times throughout the day and bringing them warm water and oats.  Glad that is under our belt and the end of the week I see a 38 degrees for a high! Crazy weather. Those good girls even gave us EIGHT EGGS! I'm so proud of them. We made spinach omelettes and are now enjoying another day added to Christmas vacation as we have a snow day.  What could be better? ;)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Eggzactly what I'm talking about!

The girls have been busy and we are glad to reap the rewards of hard work.